Lucky Mom

Feb. 14, 2012

Disney World

Wow! I'd been nervous about taking my kids to Disney Anything for a few years. I was sure I'd lose them to the overseas child porn trade or one would nose dive off a ride and die in front of my eyes.

Plus the long lines? And in the heat? No way! Sticking a lit matchstick into my eyeball sounded better.

Until, that is, we realized a little known (except to those in Austin) secret. There's an odd three day school 'holiday' if you will that occurs in February of each year.

No one really knows why. It's not Spring Break. It's not 'the' holidays as they kind of just ended. No, it's a three day shut down in the middle of Feb. when no one else in the entire world (apparently) has off.

So, what does one do when this peculair time comes around in Feb. in Austin?

Well, evidently everybody blows off the last two days of the school week and goes on holiday.

Whether it be skiing, Disney, to visit relatives or whatever, it's incredibly CHEAP to go during this obscure time of the year. Airline flights and hotel rooms are begging for you to come visit them.

Our airline wouldn't even let us pay baggage fees!?

It's similar to Macy's coupon days when they sorta pay YOU to buy stuff.

Similar gig here.

So, after we felt sufficiently prepared (even asking the teachers for the work we'd would miss during the two days off and being advised 'Nobody really comes to class those two days anyway so there really isn't much to miss") we head on out to our very civilized mid Saturday afternoon flight.

Smooth, direct flight. Town car pickup, beautiful view room is ready and it's all pretty perfect.

To shorten the story up a bit, the entire week was smooth.

If we did encounter any ride or attraction line, it was only a few minutes which allowed us to see and do almost everything in record time.

People were incredibly gracious and polite.

We were there 8 days and 7 nights, hit four parks which allowed some pool and 'down' time and ate incredible food. Got up at 8:30am or so on our last day and leisurely got ready to go the airport again.

I really hope this little gem stays a secret and no other schools buy into this. It's simply a family vacation time come true.

Now, if anyone could just clarify WHY in fact we do get these three days off., actually, never mind. I don't care. Just keep it going.

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Last November we took our two year-old to Disney World midweek at some random non-holiday time. It was the best visit there we ever had. Lines were short even on the insanely popular rides, and we could even let our little one roam a little bit and keep an eye on him the entire time. You could see him at all times. I must confess that if we ever go back it'll be at a similar kind of time - even if it means missing a little school.

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